There was a moment 3 years ago when I decided that the current version of myself was NOT going to be how I lived the rest of my life. I was self-conscious, reaching for external validation, lazy, unmotivated, and flat out unhappy. I am a little embarrassed to admit that the change was sparked by a nasty comment made by someone I didn’t even know that somehow got back to me. It was something to the effect of “Carli isn’t as attractive as her husband”. I was devastated. It was so painful to hear and no one who had just had a baby wants to hear that. Ok ok I had had my baby 5 months prior… but still. I was already feeling frumpy and like my sexiness factor was -100, but thought I was being too hard on myself. After I heard that comment I cried for a couple of hours wanting to crawl into victim mode, but instead thought “SCREW THIS! I’m getting me back!” The next day I FULLY committed to working out and eating clean (my way of eating clean which is where my meal plan came from) for a full 12 week fitness program. After I was done I looked better postpartum than I did pre-baby and was so proud! Was it hard? YES but I found a way to get results that was DOABLE and I took it one day at a time. I focused on the process and didn’t get hung up on the number on the scale. I was determined to complete the program and eat as clean as I could for 12 weeks not losing a certain number of pounds. I was my own cheerleader and was proud of every healthy decision I made instead of beating myself up for being less than perfect. I am truly grateful that jerk said that mean comment and that it got back to me. It ignited my fire and I have been hustling every since.
Since that experience I feel like it is my calling to help every mom and women who feels the way I felt to realize IT IS POSSIBLE to change your life. YOU ARE INCREDIBLE AND YOU ARE CAPABLE OF CREATING ANY REALITY YOU WANT. I feel AWESOME, UNSTOPPABLE, and really CONFIDENT. I worked hard and continue to work hard to feel that way and don’t mean to sound boastful, just self-assured. I want to help EVERYONE feel the same.
When you become a mom you seem to give everything away… your body, your time, your sleep, your hobbies, etc. It is a worthy cause but I know that taking care of yourself will make everyone in your home or life happier.
Now I look at life and believe that I can change anything I am not happy with. I am in control.
You can do that too.. here is how you start your journey to healthy lifestyle:
- Make a vision board… I’m not kidding! I do this all of the time… Place pictures of the things you want on a poster board and put it in a place where you will look at it everyday. Your decisions will subconsciously and consciously change if you look at the things you want and point you in the direction you want to go.
- Commit to showing up at the gym early. (Or waking up early and exercising at home) I don’t care if you walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes and that is all you can do… it is about getting in the habit of waking up, working out, and creating your healthy lifestyle routine.
- Taper off the unhealthy food that you normally eat. Cutting out everything your body is used to eating cold turkey will undoubtably lead to KILLER CRAVINGS. Start slow and gradually switch all of your food to clean food. That process will take the pressure off and promote sustainable healthy changes. Our bodies crave whatever we give them. Soon your body will crave lean meats, veggies, and whole grains instead of mac and cheese. It takes time to get there so don’t overwhelm yourself. Start with eating clean all morning until lunch… then eat clean until dinner…. then eat clean all day. (Keeping your party meals for the weekends!) Worry about nourishing your body with veggies, not starving it and hoping it responds. Treat your BODY right and let it show you what it is capable of.
- LOVE YOURSELF. It is SO important. Tell yourself that you are unstoppable… because YOU ARE.
Sending you all my love and positivity…
Get my simple, sustainable, and affordable 14-day meal plan: here