One thing I have found in my clean eating journey is your body will CRAVE whatever you give it.
If you eat high calorie sugary foods your body will have mega cravings for them if you completely cut them out. If you hate your veggies you probably don’t eat them very much!
My goal with my meal plan is to switch your foods and retrain your tastebuds to crave healthier foods that will promote weight loss and toning.
Here is how you START:
- Add 4 cups worth of green vegetables to your current diet. 2 cups of spinach, 1 cup of steamed broccoli, and 1 cup of green beans is an example. Eat them BEFORE your meals. This will fill you with nutrient rich low calorie food that will prevent over eating. Use the veggies as a tool to fight hunger. Sometimes you just gotta force it, but your body will start to crave them I swear!
- If it gets too overwhelming to follow a meal plan the whole day… start by eating clean for 2 of your 3 meals. That way you are getting into the habit of better eating but won’t stress out and quit. Once you feel comfortable, switch the last meal to follow your meal plan. This will change your lifestyle at a pace that is enjoyable!
- Give yourself a reward at the end of the day (try to keep it around 100-150 calories) if you eat clean the rest of the day! That means all your veggies in ;). It can be whatever you want!
Remember.. this is a process! Don’t quit… just find a way that will work for you. Especially in the first two weeks 🙂
My meal plan is super realistic, easy, and only $20 bucks!
Get it here
See an example of what the days look like here
Hope this helps!
love, Car