Join my May challenge!

Join my May challenge!

I am so excited to announce that my next challenge starts on May 29th. If you’re ready to join in, now is the time! My challenges are a fun way to commit and learn to be healthy in a realistic and simple way. The best part is the community of people cheering you along as you go.

My meal plans are simple and sustainable, they’re perfect for those of us with busy lifestyles! I give you everything that you need to be successful and I am here to help out along the way.  I can’t wait to have you join in and be a part of this amazing challenge and community. Grab a friend and join in on this challenge!

I have two different meal plans available for purchase, using either or both of these plans will give you amazing results!

The only difference between the 14-day and the 28-day mealplans is that the 28-day has more info and more options. I do not have repeating days in these meal plans. If you want to get both you will have 6 weeks of different days.  The 28-day meal plan has a vegetarian day, gluten free day, and 2,000 calorie day.  It also has food charts to fill in to create your own days. The 14-day is a beginners guide with the same formula as the 28-day but with less options.  Pick the plan that is best for your needs and your preferred price point.

There are cash prizes for the winning inner/outer transformations.  You only submit your pictures to me after the challenge is over!

So are you in?? All you need to do to join is follow these simple steps:

1. Purchase either (or both) of my 14 or 28-day meal plans: Found here.
2. Join the Facebook group: “Fitness Carli 8 week meal plan challenge” 
3. Take a “before” picture holding a sign that says “Fitness Carli Challenge 5-29-18” Note: the Date must be on your sign to prove the validity of the photo. 

Don’t have a Facebook?  That is ok! It is just there for extra support and to answer questions with people who have been using my meal plans.

1st prize: $500

2nd prize: $200

3rd prize: $100

Below is an FAQ about my 28-Day meal plan with a description of what is included:

You can purchase my 28-day meal plan here as well as read the description for more information about what is included in this plan.

Below are the FAQ’s for my 14-Day plan:

My 8 week challenge FAQ:

I am so excited for this challenge to begin! Let me know if there are questions in the meantime.



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